FORM ACCOUNTWIZARD 'Neues Konto anlegen' Button rbIMAP '', 'IMAP4 - Internet Message Access Protocol v4' Button rbMAPI '', 'MAPI - Microsoft Exchange Server' Button rbPOP '', 'POP3 - Post Office Protocol v3' GroupBox gbProtocol '', 'To access mail server, use protocol' Label lbFullName '', 'Your full name (e.g. John G. Smith):' Label SpTBXLabel1 '', 'Home directory:' ENDFORM FORM GlobalPrefDlg 'Benutzereinstellungen' Button bAddProfile '', '&Add' Button bCopyProfile '', '&Copy' Button bDelProfile '', '&Delete' Button bEditProfile '', '&Edit' Button bSelectAllExt '', 'Select &All' Button bUnselectAllExt '', '&Unselect All' Button bViewProfiles '', 'New...' Button cbBlockInsertCaret '', 'Blo&ck insert caret' Button cbBriefCaret '', 'BRI&EF caret shapes' Button cbDotDoubleSpace '', 'Double space between sentences' Button cbFindAtCaret '', 'Fi&nd text at caret position' Button cbFreeCaret '', '&Free caret positioning' Button cbOverwriteSel '', 'O&verwrite selection' Button cbPersistentSel '', '&Persistent selection' Button cbPreserveSpaces '', 'P&reserve trailing spaces' ComboBox cbDefEditor '', 'Plain Text (MicroEd) - MicroStar compatible', 'Plain Text (Windows) - Windows-compatible', 'HTML with alternative plain text part', 'HTML only' ComboBox cbPlainViewType '', 'Plain Text Viewer (fast, no graphical smileys)', 'Rich Text/HTML Viewer (slower, with smileys)' ComboBox cbStartupAssociations '', 'Invoke the "Set Associations" dialogue ', 'Change the associations and continue', 'Do nothing' GroupBox gbAssociationsNew '', 'Associate The Bat! with specific file types/protocols' GroupBox gbCaretShape '', 'Caret shape' GroupBox gbMsgViewEdit '', 'Message Viewer/Editor layout' GroupBox gbSelection '', 'Selection' GroupBox gbSMapi '', 'Simple MAPI' GroupBox gbSmartBatEditor '', 'SmartBat Editor layout' Label lbViewProfile '', '&Profile:' Label lNewEditorIntro '', 'The MicroEd editor is a professional editor made specifically for writing e-mail messag'+'es that provides WYSIWYG editing, While-You-Type spell checking, quotation control. The Windows Editor is a plain text editor with a standard set of features, it is provided for backward compatibility ' Label lNewViewerIntro '', 'It is possible to view messages using different kind of text viewers. Those viewers differ by the set of features '+'provided and limitations applied (for example, the plain text viewer supports vertical block selection but is not able to display Smileys as graphics). Please choose the viewer suitable for your needs.' Label SpTBXLabel3 '', 'When program starts and detects that association was changed,' MenuItem mAddProfile '&Add' MenuItem mCopyProfile '&Copy' MenuItem mDelProfile '&Delete' MenuItem mEditProfile '&Edit' TabSheet tsMsgEditorViewer '', 'Message Viewer/Editor' TabSheet tsProfiles '', 'Viewer/Editor Profiles' TabSheet tsSmartBatEditor '', 'SmartBat Editor' ENDFORM FORM MSGEDITOR 'Nachricht bearbeiten' Panel pnAccountPop '', 'pnAccountPop' Panel pnBlockTypePop '', 'pnBlockTypePop' Panel pnCharSetPop '', 'pnCharSetPop' Panel pnEditorPop '', 'pnEditorPop' Panel pnLanguagePop '', 'pnLanguagePop' Panel pnPriorityPop '', 'pnPriorityPop' Panel pnSecurityPop '', 'pnSecurityPop' ENDFORM FORM SMIMEPREFSFORM 'S/MIME Einstellungen' Button cbTimestamp '', 'Use timestamping server for digital signatures' ENDFORM FORM TokenEditAvtorForm 'Token-Editor' Button bExportPvtKey '', 'Export Private Key' Button bFindPrivateKeys '', 'Find Private Keys' Button bImportPvtKey '', 'Import Private Key' ENDFORM FORM USERDIALOG 'Kontoeigenschaften bearbeiten' Button cbDeleteExchange '', '&Delete received messages from server' Button cbLeaveExchange '', '&Leave messages on server' GroupBox gbExchangeMessageManagement '', 'Exchange message management' ENDFORM FORM VFrame '' Button cbSearchCase '', '&Case Sensitive' Button cbSearchRegEx '', '&Regular Expression' Button cbSearchShowAll '', 'Show &All' Button cbWholeWords '', '&Whole words' ENDFORM NAMES AccountSBPopup 'Status Bar Account pop-up menu' BlockTypeSBPopup 'Status Bar Selection Type pop-up menu' CharsetSBPopup 'Status Bar Character set pop-up menu' diImage 'Image' diUrlManager 'URL Manager' EditorSBPopup 'Status Bar Editor pop-up menu' EditViewerProfiles 'Manage Viewer Profiles' F1Info 'Press F1 for more help.' Findprev1 'Find pre&vious' GlobalShortcuts 'Global Shortcuts' hiAllowimagesforthismessage 'Allow images for this message' hiDownloadAllNow 'Download All Now' hiDownloadMode 'Download Mode' hiReloadImages 'Reload Images' hiShowURLManager 'Show URL Manager' IgnoreWord 'Ignore' ImgViewFullScreen 'Fullscreen' ImgViewStretchFilter 'Stretch Filter' ImgViewZoom 'Zoom Factor' ImgViewZoomOriginal 'Zoom Original' LanguageSBPopup 'Status Bar Language pop-up menu' MCFmtRedoReplaces 'Redo %d replaces' MCFmtReplacesMade '%d replaces were made' MCFmtUndoReplaces 'Undo %d replaces' MCNoMatchesInDir 'There are no matches found in given direction, would you like to replace'#13#10'%d of matches found while searching in the opposite direction?' MCRedoAutoWrap 'Redo automatic wrapping' MCRedoBackDelete 'Redo backward deletion' MCRedoChangeCase 'Redo character case change' MCRedoClearSel 'Redo clear selection' MCRedoCopySel 'Redo copy selection' MCRedoDelete 'Redo text deletion' MCRedoFormat 'Redo formatting' MCRedoIndent 'Redo indent' MCRedoLineDelete 'Redo line deletion' MCRedoLineSplit 'Redo line splitting' MCRedoMoveSel 'Redo move selection' MCRedoReplace 'Redo Replace' MCRedoSortLines 'Redo sort lines' MCRedoTextInsert 'Redo text insertion' MCRedoType 'Redo text typing' MCRedoUnindent 'Redo unindent' MCReplacesInDir 'You are about to make %d replaces, would you like to also replace'#13#10'%d of matches found while searching in the opposite direction?' MCUndoAutoWrap 'Undo automatic wrapping' MCUndoBackDelete 'Undo backward deletion' MCUndoChangeCase 'Undo character case change' MCUndoClearSel 'Undo clear selection' MCUndoCopySel 'Undo copy selection' MCUndoDelete 'Undo text deletion' MCUndoFormat 'Undo formatting' MCUndoIndent 'Undo indent' MCUndoLineDelete 'Undo line deletion' MCUndoLineSplit 'Undo line splitting' MCUndoMoveSel 'Undo move selection' MCUndoReplace 'Undo Replace' MCUndoSortLines 'Undo sort lines' MCUndoTextInsert 'Undo text insertion' MCUndoType 'Undo text typing' MCUndoUnindent 'Undo unindent' mdmAlways 'Always' mdmAsk 'Ask' mdmNever 'Never' PictureViewer 'Picture Viewer' PrioritySBPopup 'Status Bar Priority pop-up menu' SecuritySBPopup 'Privacy and Security pop-up menu' ShowAccountMenu 'Show Account Menu' Slogan 'E-Communication without gaps' SpellLngs 'Languages' SpLng_AF 'Afrikaans' SpLng_AM 'English (American)' SpLng_AR 'Arabic' SpLng_BE 'Belarusian' SpLng_BG 'Bulgarian' SpLng_BR 'English (British)' SpLng_CA 'English (Canadian)' SpLng_CS 'Czech' SpLng_CS_wnc 'Czech (without national chars)' SpLng_CT 'Catalan' SpLng_CZ 'Czech' SpLng_CZ_wnc 'Czech (without national chars)' SpLng_DA 'Danish' SpLng_DU 'Dutch' SpLng_EA 'English (Australian)' SpLng_EL 'Greek' SpLng_EO 'Esperanto' SpLng_ET 'Estonian' SpLng_EU 'Basque' SpLng_FA 'Persian' SpLng_FC 'French (Canadian)' SpLng_FI 'Finnish' SpLng_FO 'Faroese' SpLng_FR 'French' SpLng_GE 'German' SpLng_GN 'German (New)' SpLng_GO 'German (Old)' SpLng_HR 'Croatian' SpLng_HU 'Hungarian' SpLng_HU_wnc 'Hungarian (without national chars)' SpLng_ID 'Indonesian' SpLng_IS 'Icelandic' SpLng_IT 'Italian' SpLng_IW 'Hebrew' SpLng_JA 'Japanese' SpLng_JI 'Yiddish' SpLng_KL 'Greenlandic' SpLng_KO 'Korean' SpLng_LT 'Lithuanian' SpLng_LV 'Latvian' SpLng_MK 'Macedonian' SpLng_MT 'Maltese' SpLng_NB 'Norwegian (Bokmal)' SpLng_NL 'Dutch' SpLng_NN 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)' SpLng_NO 'Norwegian (Bokmal)' SpLng_PB 'Portuguese (Brazil)' SpLng_PL 'Polish' SpLng_PO 'Portuguese (Iberian)' SpLng_PT 'Portuguese (Iberian)' SpLng_RM 'Romanic' SpLng_RO 'Romanian' SpLng_RU 'Russian' SpLng_SC 'Catalan' SpLng_SI 'Swahili' SpLng_SK 'Slovak' SpLng_SK_wnc 'Slovak (without national chars)' SpLng_SL 'Slovenian' SpLng_SP 'Spanish' SpLng_SQ 'Albanian' SpLng_SR 'Serbian' SpLng_SW 'Swedish' SpLng_TH 'Thai' SpLng_TU 'Turkish' SpLng_UK 'Ukrainian' SpLng_VI 'Vietnamese' SpLng_ZH 'Chinese' SrcViewSizePanel '%d bytes' vfEMV 'Embedded Message Viewer' ViewerProfile 'Viewer Profile' ENDNAMES STRINGS dl_ce_Unknown 'Unknown certificate extension' dlAppendButton '&Append' dlBetaWarning 'You are about to use %s version (%s). Do you take the risks of using this version?' dlBViewCertificate 'View Certificate' dlDefaultVP '< Default >' dlDeleteSBoxes 'Delete S-Boxes from the token' dlDigitalSignTitle 'Digital Signing' dlEditLngNone '( none )' dlEditSelectSpellLngs 'Please select languages used in the text' dlEnumPrivateKeyIds 'Look for private keys in the token' dlErrOldComCTL '%s requires Comctl32.dll version 5 or later. You can update Comctl32.dll by installing Internet Explorer 5 or later' dlErrPubkeySmall 'The public key of the choosen certificate is too small for encryption' dlExpPvtKeyTitle 'Export Private Key' dlFileAssocClientMail 'System''s Default Mail Client' dlFileAssocEML '.EML (message files in RFC-822 format)' dlFileAssocFailure 'Some of extensions/protocols could not be associated.'#13'It is possible you do not have access rights to do that or'#13'some software prevents you from that. It was not possible to associate with:'#13'' dlFileAssocMailTo 'MAILTO: (URL protocol for e-mail messages)' dlFileAssocMSG '.MSG (message files in RFC-822 format)' dlFileAssocVCF '.VCF (vCard - electronic visitor card)' dlGetTokenInformation 'Get token information' dlImportPvtKeyFileDlgCaption 'Import Private Key' dlImportPvtKeyFilePwdPrompt 'Input password to decrypt private key stored in %s file.' dlImportPvtKeyFilePwdTitle 'Input File Password' dlMEditAccountHint 'Active Account' dlMEditCantEncodeChange 'The message characters that cannot be encoded using currently selected "%s" character set. Please use "%s".' dlMEditCharsetHint 'Character Set' dlMEditFormatHint 'Text Format' dlMEditHintCaretPosition 'Caret position' dlMEditSBHAutoFormat 'Automatic formatting' dlMEditSBHAutoSpell 'Automatic spell checking' dlMEditSBHAutowrap 'Automatic wrapping' dlMEditSBHEncrypt 'Encrypt when completed' dlMEditSBHFormatJustify 'Justify on automatic format' dlMEditSBHModified 'Modified' dlMEditSBHNoSecurity 'This message will be sent unencrypted and without a digital signature.'#13''#13'Click here to configure privacy and security options' dlMEditSBHNotModified 'Not modified' dlMEditSBHPriorityHigh 'Priority - High' dlMEditSBHPriorityLow 'Priority - Low' dlMEditSBHPriorityNormal 'Priority - Normal' dlMEditSBHRCR 'Request Reading Confirmation' dlMEditSBHRRQ 'Request Delivery Confirmation' dlMEditSBHSecurity 'Privacy and security options' dlMEditSBHSelColumn 'Selection style - Column' dlMEditSBHSelLine 'Selection style - Linear' dlMEditSBHSelStream 'Selection style - Stream' dlMEditSBHSign 'Sign when completed' dlMEditSBHSpellLngs 'Spell checker language(s)' dlMEditSBTClearText 'Clear text' dlMEditSBTPgpAuto 'OpenPGP (auto)' dlMEditSBTPgpClear 'OpenPGP (cleartext)' dlMEditSBTPgpMIME 'PGP/MIME' dlNewPvtKeyPwdTitle 'New Private Key Password' dlObptainPvtKeyExpFailedMsg 'Cannot obtain the private key for the certificate. Export of the private key has failed.' dlObptainPvtKeySignFailedMsg 'Cannot obtain the private key for the certificate. The signing has failed.' dlOKDeleteVP 'OK to delete the profile "%s"?' dlOverwriteButton '&Overwrite' dlReadSbox 'Read S-Box from the token' dlSignatureViewerTitle 'View Digital Signature' dlSkipButton '&Skip' dlSkippedNImportedCert 'Skipped %d certificates since they already exist' dlSkippedOneImportedCert 'The certificate that you are importing already exist' dlSpeakNodeCollapsed ', has children, collapsed' dlSpeakNodeExpanded ', has children, expanded' dlVPColumnCharsets 'Character sets' dlVPColumnName 'Name' dlWMEPEPN 'Please enter the profile name' dlWMEPEUE 'A profile with the same name already exists'#13'Please enter another name' dlWMEProfileN 'Profile #%d' dlWMFAllFiles 'All files' dlWMFAnyDos 'Any file in "DOS-%d" character set' dlWMFAnyUNICODE 'Any file in UNICODE ("UTF-16")' dlWMFAnyUTF 'Any file in "UTF-8" character set' dlWMFAnyWin 'Any file in "Windows-%d" character set' dlWMFFileExists 'The file "%s" already exists'#13''#13'Do you still want to proceed?' dlWMFReadFrom 'Read From File' dlWMFSaveFile 'Save To File' dlWMFTextDos 'Text files in "DOS-%d" character set' dlWMFTextFiles 'Text files' dlWMFTextUNICODE 'Text files in UNICODE ("UTF-16")' dlWMFTextUTF 'Text files in "UTF-8" character set' dlWMFTextWin 'Text files in "Windows-%d" character set' dlWriteSbox 'Write S-Box to the token' ENDSTRINGS FORM ExtSetup 'Configure file & protocol handling' Button bCancel '', 'Cancel' Button bOK '', '&OK' Button rbAutoChange '', 'Do not notify, restore associations automatically' Button rbDontChange '', 'Do not notify, leave changes intact' Button rbNotify '', 'Please notify me about changes in file/protocol handling' Label SpTBXLabel1 '', 'The Bat! has detected that some of file/protocol associations were changed. Please confirm whether you wish to use The Bat! for handling these file and protocol types' ENDFORM FORM frmHTTPResolve 'Download URL Manager' Button btAllowedBlock '', '&Block' Button btAllowedRemove '', '&Remove' Button btBlockedAllow '', '&Allow' Button btBlockedRemove '', '&Remove' Button btClose '', '&Close' Button btCopyURL '', 'Copy URL' Button btHelp '', '&Help' Button btUnresolvedAllow '', '&Allow' Button btUnresolvedBlock '', '&Block' Button cbAllowAutoShow '', 'Show this window automatically' Panel AllowedButtonPanel '', ' ' Panel AllowedTreePanel '', ' ' Panel BlockedButtonPanel '', ' ' Panel BlockedTreePanel '', ' ' Panel ButtonPanel '', ' ' Panel UnresolvedButtonPanel '', ' ' Panel UnresolvedTreePanel '', ' ' TabSheet tsAllowed '', 'Allowed' TabSheet tsBlocked '', 'Blocked' TabSheet tsUnresolved '', 'Unresolved' ENDFORM FORM SpellOptionDialog 'Spell Checking Options' Button bCancel '', 'Cancel' Button bOK '', '&OK' Button cbCase '', '&Case-sensitive' Button cbIgnoreAllCaps '', 'Ignore &all-caps words (e.g., FYI)' Button cbIgnoreCaps '', 'Ignore capitalised &words (e.g., Europe)' Button cbIgnoreMixed '', 'Ignore words with mi&xed case (e.g., SuperBase)' Button cbIgnoreNumbers '', 'Ignore words with &numbers (e.g., Win32)' Button cbIgnoreRoman '', 'Ignore word composed of all roman numerals (e.g., XXIV)' Button cbPhonetic '', '&Phonetic suggestions' Button cbSplit '', 'Suggest split wor&ds' Button cbSuggestFromUserDict '', 'Suggest from User Dictionaries' Button cbTypo '', '&Typographical suggestions' RadioGroup rgSuggest '','Suggestions', '&Fast but less accurate', '&Moderately fast and accurate', '&Slow but accurate' TabControl tcEngines '' ENDFORM FORM VProfileEditor 'Viewer/Editor Colour and Font Profiles' Button bCancel '', 'Cancel' Button bOK '', '&OK' Button cbShowAllXlat '', '&Show all character sets' Label lbName '', '&Name:' Label lbXlats '', '&Use automatically with these Character Sets:' ENDFORM FORM WMEDictionaryEditor 'Edit Dictionaries' Button bAddDic '', 'Add &File' Button bAddWord '', '&Add word' Button bClose '', 'Close' Button bDelDic '', '&Remove' Button bDelWord '', '&Delete Word' Button bExport '', '&Export...' Button bImport '', 'I&mport...' Button bNewDic '', '&New File...' ComboBox cbAction '', 'Ignore (treat as correctly spelled)', 'Change automatically', 'Auto change with preserved case', 'Conditional change', 'Conditional change (case preserved)', 'Exclude' GroupBox gbDic '', 'Dictionary' Label Label1 '', '&Words:' Label Label3 '', '&File:' Label Label4 '', 'Language:' Label lAction '', 'A&ction:' Label lLang '', 'American English' Label lOther '', 'Ot&her word:' ListView lWords '', '' ENDFORM FORM WMEFinder 'Find text' Button bCancel '', 'Cancel' Button bFirst '', '&First' Button bSearch '', 'Find &Next' Button bSearchBack '', 'Find &Previous' Button cbCaseSensitive '', '&Case sensitive' Button cbKeepPrevious '', '&Mix with previous results' Button cbRegExp '', '&Regular expression' Button cbSearchSelection '', '&Search in selected text only' Button cbShowAll '', 'Show &all matches' Button cbWholeWords '', '&Whole words only' Label SpTBXLabel1 '', '&Look for:' ENDFORM FORM WMEReplacer 'Search And Replace' Button bCancel '', 'Cancel' Button bReplace '', '&Replace' Button bReplaceAll '', 'Replace &All' Button bSkip '', '&Next' Button cbBackwards '', 'Search &backwards' Button cbCaseSensitive '', '&Case sensitive' Button cbRegEx '', '&Regular Expressions' Button cbSelected '', 'Search in selected &text only' Button cbWholeWords '', '&Whole words only' Label SpTBXLabel1 '', '&Search for:' Label SpTBXLabel2 '', '&Replace to:' ENDFORM FORM WMESpellSuggester 'Spell checking' Button bAdd '', '&Add' Button bChange '', '&Change' Button bChangeAll '', 'C&hange All' Button bDictionary '', '&Dictionaries...' Button bIgnore '', '&Ignore' Button bIgnoreAll '', 'Ig&nore All' Button bOptions '', '&Options...' Button bSuggest '', '&Suggest' Button bUndo '', '&Undo' Button Cancel '', 'Cancel' Label Label1 '', '&Not in dictionary:' Label Label2 '', '&Change to:' Label Label3 '', '&Suggestions:' Label Label4 '', 'Add &words to:' ListView lSuggest '', '' ENDFORM