The Bat! 3.99.16 (Beta)



    This beta has two known issues same as for previous beta: hotkeys from the main menu of the main window
    of The Bat! are local only to this main window; if you switch to another window of The Bat!, these
    hotkeys (e.g. F8 for address book, F7 for message finder) won't work. Also, %WINDOWSCSDVERSION,
    %WINDOWSPLATFORMNAME macros do not work.

    Here is what's new in Beta/16 since Beta/15:

    [-] Smartbat is opened maximized and immediatelly moves to correct Normal state
    [-] (#0003937) When Run minimized, iconify into left down corner of the screen. 
    [-] (#0003625) Problems if setting Run Minimized or Maximized option for The Bat! shortcut 
    [-] (#0005744) Message opened from ticker restore The Bat! main window 
    [-] (#0005787) Starting minimized TheBat is ugly or buggy 
    [-] (#0006223) Main window doesn't get focus while launching thebat.exe (shortcut)
  • So wie es aussieht, konzentriert sich RIT jetzt immer nur auf ein Thema - diesmal halt rund um das Thema Minimieren, Maximieren, Fokus setzen, Starten.
    Es sieht also wirklich so aus, als wenn die Teile des Codes neu schreiben.

    Bugs, die nicht in diesen Bereich fallen (Scrollbalken des internen Bildbetrachters, Progressbar) sind noch vorhanden.